Friday, November 28, 2014

The Illiad by Homer

 Class Notes

  • We don't really know who Homer was. He was possibly a foreigner. The style of the writing indicates one author.  
  • In Medias Res - meaning in the middle of things. Book I of The Illiad begins in the middle of war after ten years of battle. Many things are assumed to be known of that culture. 
  • Kleos - honor/reputation, street credentials, spiritual 
  • Xenia - quest, friendship, reciprocation 
  • Chryse - place 
  • Chryses - priest 
  • Chrseis - daughter      

Other Names for the Greeks 

- Achaens
- Danaans
- Myrmidons
- Argives

Other References for the Characters 

  • Achilles - fleet footed, the runner 
  • Hera - white-armed
  • Athena - grey eyed 
  • Hector - horse breaker 

Work Cited

Puchner, Martin. "Homer: The Illiad." The Norton Anthology: World Literature. Shorter Third ed. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company, 2013. 121-177. Print.

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